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by Amanda Slaz
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Chapter One
A Few Words About Clutter

Take a few precious moments to ponder the space in which you exist. Quietly observe each room, and allow yourself to experience the emotions that arise as you become aware of what you see.

Know that, without exception, whatever you see before you is a physical manifestation, or creation, of your internal process and the processes of those who share your space. If what you see around you makes you feel frustrated, depressed, angry, or any other negative emotions, use these as your guide. It is here that you can begin to change your life.

It is perhaps a mixed blessing that, as citizens of the richest country in the world, we find ourselves surrounded by numerous possessions.

It is vital to understand that everything that we bring into our space has its own vibration and its own unique energy. As we accumulate more and more stuff, our river of energy becomes bogged down and chaotic and is less able to flow freely and smoothly. It can actually become so negatively charged that it becomes an unhealthy environment in which to live.

We, in turn, also become bogged down in numerous ways. Besides having a profound effect on our energy field, all of these possessions require our attention. We must maintain them, clean them, and be sure that no one steals them. Our possessions pull at our time and energy. They can actually distract or prevent us from doing things that we love in life, and from getting in touch with our true selves.

There are deep and real messages about ourselves hidden inside our piles of stuff. We must ask ourselves why we feel like we need to own and hold on to so many things.

Realize also that, in order to make changes happen in your life, you must provide an environment that invites change. You must clear out the old in order to make room for the new.

The flow of energy is a channel that literally becomes clogged. When you thoughtfully sort through your possessions and eliminate all those that are no longer useful to you, a positive void is created in your life. This, in turn, forms a powerful current for attracting all sorts of life enriching and wonderful changes!

The following checklist is excerpted from an invaluable book entitled "The Feng Shui of Abundance" by Suzan Hilton. It offers some beautifully practical guidelines for evaluating your personal baggage.

As you look at your belongings, ask yourself the following questions:

·Do I love this?
·Does it fit into my lifestyle as I am currently living it?
·Does it bring me joy and ease?
·Am I saving it for someone who loves and wants it?
·Is it of great value to me for sentimental reasons?
·Will I use it in the next couple of years?
·Does it make my heart sing?
·Does it speak to my soul?

To this list we would add a few, more practical, questions:
·Am I keeping this because I feel obligated because it was a gift or inheritance?
·Is it still here because I paid so much for it?
·Am I hoping to someday read all those books/ magazines/ newspapers?
·I'm afraid that if I get rid of it that I might need it some day.
·Am I holding on because someday I plan to get it repaired?
·Is it still in my life because I can't figure out what to do with it?

It's really no wonder that our lives are overflowing with so much stuff!

Be patient and kind with yourself as you begin to look at the baggage in your life. For many of us, our belongings, and the reasons that we have them, hold some of the most profound clues to who we are and what issues we need to look at in life.  Some things will leave effortlessly, while others will pull at your heart and put your stomach in knots. Don't force anything. Handle the easy issues and accept that you require more time to process in other areas.

If you choose to donate some of your belongings, imagine them being discovered by people who are thrilled to find them and will put them to good use. Send them out of your life with a blessing that they will enrich someone else's!

Slowly the process will become easier as you grow accustomed to letting things go. It is not meant to be done carelessly and can't be rushed. You will find that, as you do this, your spirit begins to feel lighter. You will also be amazed that you suddenly seem to have a knack for finding "the perfect thing" when you decide that you need something.

When you make room for a new life, you create a current of energy that draws it to you.
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