by Amanda Slaz
In order to really understand the ancient, sacred art of feng shui and Space Clearing, we must begin to open up to new possibilities. Feng Shui involves itself with very subtle, yet infinitely powerful forces.
We must begin to think in terms of things that are not obvious and cannot be proven, except by taking a leap of faith and observing the results. In western culture, we have been programmed to limit our experience to what is obvious to our senses. Space clearing offers an opportunity to focus our attention on more subtle, yet profoundly influential, factors of our life experience.
Imagine that there is a river flowing through your space. Think of it saturating everything, from ceiling to floor, swirling and flowing into every inch of space in every room. This, in essence, is exactly what is happening, except that instead of water, the river is made of energy! Imagine also, that you, and all the other occupants in your space, are like fish. You all will inevitably absorb something from everything that is present in the river.
It is worth noting that this concept is supported by 20th century discoveries in the science of physics. It has been found that the boundaries between our personal quantum fields and the quantum fields of everything around us are not as defined as was once believed. Our personal energy is in constant interaction with the energy of everything around us. We are in everything and everything is in us.
Over time, the river of energy that flows around within a space becomes saturated with the vibrations and energy field of everything that happens and exists there. This energy field is extremely absorbent and is altered by people, objects and events.
A sickness in the family, an argument at the dinner table, a period of financial stress and even the pile of old magazines in your garage and your grandmother's antique furniture, will have lingering effects on the energy in your space, your health, and your life.
Space clearing is an ancient Feng Shui technique, passed from one generation of wise teachers to the next. It provides us with a beautiful way to clear out all of the old, stagnant or chaotic energy in any space. In the process we prepare our spaces and our selves for new beginnings and positive outcomes.