You can quickly and easily find answers to most questions without having to wait for our customer service staff to respond by e-mail.
By clicking on one of the following "quick-links" below, you will be directed to the appropriate page for helpful information that relates directly to your inquiry.
Shipping Information - Most online orders take up to 6 business days for processing before they are shipped.. For more information on shipping methods, costs, and delivery times, click here
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Phone representative are available to take orders and schedule delivery. Please call from Monday to Friday between the hours of 12 noon and 6PM EST.
Important Note: The following numbers are for placing orders only. Phone representatives do not have access to information about previously placed orders, including delivery or back order status. To inquire about these issues, please use the information request form above. Please remember that most orders take up to 6 business days for processing before they are shipped.
For information relating to probems with a product, trouble using our website, or other issues not covered by using the "quick-links" above, please fill out the following form and click the "Submit" button.
Depending on the volume of inquiries received, a reply from our customer service staff could take up to 2 business days.
Most orders take up to 6 business days for processing before they are shipped. Before submitting an inquiry about the status of your order, please click here to read our shipping info page
Please fill in the following information to submit your inquiry.
Supporting Healthy Lifestyles Since 1982