Chapter Two
Creating a Good Vibration
The time has come to go to the next level.
You are actively involved in the process of freeing the energy in your life. You find that you are more thoughtful about what you bring into your precious space. You make more conscious choices. You are committed to eliminating possessions that no longer have a purpose in your lifestyle. You are learning to release things more easily.
You have grown!
Of coarse, this process is a life long exercise. It is a new, more enlightened way of living. Eliminating excess baggage frees us. It clears the mind and lifts us emotionally. Our space has new value and meaning since it contains only those things that are meaningful.
Now it is time to consider, and positively alter, the energy in our space. This process requires us to move into areas that we cannot intellectually understand. We must be willing to move past the western adage that "seeing is believing", and accept that there are forces affecting our lives that, at our current level of awareness, we are oblivious to.
The act of clearing a space not only transforms the energy found there. It provides an opportunity to become grounded inside ourselves. It gives us a chance to affirm our goals and reflect on where we are and where we would like to be.
As profound as this sounds, once you become familiar with the process, it can be used in an infinite number of circumstances for changing the "vibe" of any space and improving the relationships that happen there.
If you feel that you need healing from a traumatic event, or need to have a symbolic closure to a period of difficulty in your life, you will find great comfort in setting aside a special day, collecting the necessary tools and treating yourself and your space to a sacred cleansing event.
To simply release accumulated stagnant energy, to ensure a happy, uplifting atmosphere before a social event, or just to enact a general blessing in your home or work place, a few minutes will be all that is required to freshen the vibration and cleanse the energy in your space. Space clearing can be done on a weekly or monthly basis, or whenever the spirit moves you.
The next section begins with an in depth description of the process of space clearing. This will be followed by tips and suggestions for doing a "spatial tune up". This procedure is an easy way to bring a positive vibration into any space, and is helpful for maintaining a clear energy field after the initial clearing has been done.
Remember that the energy in your space and your own internal process are inseparable. By expressing your intention to improve the energy in your space, and making a commitment of action you are sending out an infinite wave of positive vibration that will positively alter your life experience.