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Recommended by Amanda Slaz
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"Space Clearing Tips "
by Christan Hummel

Remember: energy flows where attention goes!

While feng shui and space clearing has become a multi-billion dollar industry, catering to the likes of corporate CEO and Hollywood celebs, there are many simple things we can all do to clear the energies of our home or office. It is always wise to pay attention to the energies of where we live and work, and change that which no longer serves us. Remember: by getting rid of the old, we make way for the new.

Listed below are a few simple space-clearing tips that anyone can use to clear out some of the old energies of home or office. They are by no means comprehensive, yet offer some quick and easy ways to align the energies of your environment with your own intentions. By incorporating the following 6 C's of Space Clearing, you will be able to move out the old and make way for the new in your personal environment:

1. Clutter: To our subconscious mind, clutter triggers images of stagnation, stuck energy and  places where life doesn't move. This usually represents the things we are resisting and where we don't want to put our attention. Simply put: clean out the clutter. Piles of laundry, papers, boxes, mailwhatever it is, when we see clutter, our mind equates it with chaos and dead energy. So, make a point to dive into your clutter like a heat-seeking missile. Go straight for it, put it away, find a home for it, make decisions about it, and address it! Once you move that dead energy in your home, you will be surprised how it moves in your life!

2. Corners: Keep these spaces free of clutter. Corners are the places where the life energy or Ch'i of our environment comes to a stop like traffic at a four-way stop sign. Put things in your corners which move energy: a fountain, wind chimes, or even a plantall these will keep the energy moving and flowing instead of stagnating. Use some common sense and trust your intuition. When arranging things, ask how it makes you feel. There are many rule books out there, but ultimately, if you feel more harmony, peace and joy when you look at that space, you will usually be on the right track. An altar is usually a nice way to redirect the dead energies of a corner. Put things in the corners of your home or office with intention because these are special energy spots in the house.

3. Closets: Clean them out! Closets are the bowels of our homes and offices, the storage bins for old, dead energy. If you don't use it, lose it! Keep your closets clean, neat, and free of unwanted, old, unused items. Yes, you looked marvelous in that dress you've been holding onto for the last five years, and one day you'll lose that extra 10 pounds and will fit in it again, but for now, give it to a friend, or family member who can actually use it. When you lose that weight, you'll owe it to yourself to buy a new dress! Don't allow your closets to become black holesotherwise, they will reflect that energy back to you.

4. Ceremony: This is sadly lacking in our modern society. Where we do have any kind of ceremony, it is usually around a sporting event, food, or commerce. Ceremony is a time when we honor life, the seasons, and those aspects of living beyond the physical. Ceremony can bring us in touch with the worlds beyond our everyday, and remind us of the vastness of life beyond our immediate attention. Make time for ceremony in your life and you will open a doorway into another dimension to allow fresh new ideas, inspiration and energies to flow into your home.

A ceremony can be as simple as a ribbon cutting to initiate the new energies of your place, or popping of a champagne cork to signify the New Year. No matter what you do, do it with intention and awareness. Even the simple ceremony of smudging a new dwelling can be quite profound when done with a focused awareness of intention. Burning a candle each night and ceremoniously letting the problems and worries of the day burn in the fire, is a simple way to keep the energy of your home clean and clear of the burdens of the day. Ceremonies to acknowledge and honor the ancestors of our past (through music, song or dance) are another way to keep the energy of your space clear and clean. Keep ceremonies simple and heartfelt, and they will do wonders to keep the energies of your space aligned with higher dimensions and energies.

5.  Consciousness:  The power of this cannot be overstated. Where we put our consciousness, we put our life energy. So, find the aspects of your home or office where you have vacated your consciousnessall those closets, corners, and dead zones that you pretend are not there, or wish weren't. For some people, it could be a room where their dead parents used to live, or where the kids used to live before they went off to school, or the pile of paper in the office that calls out for help that we continue to ignore. Put your consciousness into that space, with intention and ceremony, and notice the magic that happens when you do! Remember: energy flows where attention goes!

6. Cycles: There is a rhythm to life, a time for growth and a time for death. Cycles are important to observe: moon cycles are often used for planting, cutting hair, beginning new projects. Similarly, we can observe and align ourselves with the cycles of the sun, of day and night, being more active during the daylight hours, and winding down in the evening when there is less energy available. There are the larger seasonal cycles as well: solstices, equinoxes, and the times in between them (what the Celts called the Cross Quarter Days.) When we are in tune and align consciously with these cycles of nature, the rhythms of life, we find more harmony and balance in our lives. When we follow these cycles, we harness the life energy of the planet and begin to dance to the same beat of Life. By paying attention, we begin to work with the cycles of life and receive the gift of their energy.

With some small investment on our part, we can dramatically change the energies of our environment, making our homes and offices a sanctuary to reflect our highest intentions and dreams.
Christan Hummel is the author of the "Do-It-Yourself Space Clearing Kit."  She travels internationally lecturing and teaching people how to access nature in a co-creative spirit. For more information see:


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